Friday, November 11, 2011

What is Really REAL???

                                   What is really real??I wish its d things wich r happenin inside our head..its wer nythin nd evrythin can happen..i remebr d words of Dumbledore in Harry potter-"ofcourse its happenin inside your y on earth shud dat mean its not real??".yeah y cant it b real???i shud ask is evrythin around us real?only bcoz dey seem real doesnt mean dat dey r really real..I always wonder whethr d passed moments wer real, they really happend or its jst som creation of my crackd brain!!..whethr dey r happenin inside my head..??who knws..

                                  I nw knw dis is d mst colorful nd vibrant period of my lyf.Bt i knw not whethr aftr somtym i'll ask myself that such thins really happend once..Life is always lyk dat..The thins around us-dis marvellous canvas of natural splendour ,this wonderfully craftd planet of ours-is dis all real??..I remembr d words of Arun sir (who tuk a class in d last ieee evnt)..he quoted-"I saw a dream..nd der a butterfly ws suckin nectar frm a beautiful fower..suddenly i ws sad wonderin g whethr i'm also  part of somone's dream..!!"..Isnt it a point to b thot of..?Hw can v b sure dat all these thins r jst som dream wich can end abruptly at nytym ,nywer??that made me think whethr thin s r really real..nd whethr dreams r real...comin 2 dat point i can say some dream of ours really happens aftr hw many of us 'll bliv dat?.if it ws somrtym b4 i agree i'd hav opposd nw i cant do dat since i myself hav xperiencd dat i hav no choice othr dan blivin of my dreams has really happend as such aftr somtym..Its hard to bliv though.It ws a real wonder wich made me admire J.K.Rowling's words dat i quoted first.I nw knw dreams r really strange..hav heard somwer dat Dreams r 2day's answrs 2 2mrw's questns.may b its true,not always though..Dreamsr boundlsee nd it jst shws d immense potential lyin inside us..

                                 I think i'm really confusd btw dreams nd reality..nd one thin i knw -dat mst of d tyms i'm in d world of dreams..nd i wrote somthin here -some crazy thots of mine-wich bounced off suddenly on a tuesday evng + my discussn wid my frnd wich tuk my 100 or more free sms..actly she ws d one who triggerd off my thots..d thins said here hav no proof its jst my feelins..wich need no proof at all and can change wid persons.i mentiond dis bcoz i dont wanna draw dis 2 ny controversy as its a commmon thin nw.and wen askd-wich is real and wich is answr is simply -"no comments"...i knw only dis-
  If dis wonderful world wid me nd othrs is nothin bt a beautiful dream..I wish this dream 'd continue 4 ever...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Its all a Click...

                       Photography has probably bcome one of my favourite hobbies next 2 readin.Perhaps dis might hav arose frm my luv 4 nature.I hav found dat photography-its d most comfortabl way of observin those wich r skillfully hidden bt d gr8 sculptor, around us.observin thru a lens wich can absorb d unobservd or d ignored treasures.My craze fro cameras and nature shots hav cum frm my fatr who loves potography and travellin.Bynw places lyk Thenmala,Thripparapu,Kuttalam,Kudagu etc hav bcome my places of interest.In such places i'd lyk 2 cap evrythin & nythin that i'd come across.I'd lyk 2 stay der overnight and sleep lyk a child amidst d greenery.And nw i hav startd to stand and stare & observ even d trifles.And i bliv i hav got sum interestin shots frm and around our abode.I hav got shots oflots & lots of birds who r paintd beautifully by d gr8 artist-parrots who feast on d juicy mangoes ,pigeons who hav made our terrace der abode and lot more.dey r all mt heroes-real owners of dis beautiful Earth without havin even a cent of der own.
                             Wen i'm in such placesof beauty ,i usd 2 4get evrythin xcept my camera!!!My eyes & soul get glued to d fantastic shots around me and i'd hav 2 get a glimpse of evry merismatic sight around.The skillful mixin of colours in birds and the swaggering gait of a peacock r all perfect 4 me.

                             Upto dis was d brightest side, i say.d darker side 2 me is castin peopl in photos,espicially myself!!!.ofcourse i do admit dat it'll b so 4 me only.I simply hate dat.d fact is o donno hw 2 stand and hw 2 smile infront of a camera.bcoz of dat i'd turn coy and more or less luk lyk a clown in most of d photos.dats y i always keep dem under darkness!i'm very much poor in takin such photos also.wen taken knowingly or not i usd to focus  on d trees or othr things in d background rathr dan d faces of my fathr ,mothr or sistr!dats d usual mattr of dispute btw me and my fathr.whereevr v go , d trip would eventually end up in a quarrel abt dis.and at last almost being fed up wid me he bought a camcorder (specially bcoz he knw vry well dat i'm not d least interestd in videos!!!).nw d problm is solvd and i can njoy myself sinkin in d deeper portions of nature.and my fathr -he could vry well get satisfied by castin evryone of us.moreover v hav startd njoyin out trips completly and ders no room 4 a dispute!And thus I'm on wid my journeys 4 xplorin nature wid an exuberant soul and a camera!