Friday, November 11, 2011

What is Really REAL???

                                   What is really real??I wish its d things wich r happenin inside our head..its wer nythin nd evrythin can happen..i remebr d words of Dumbledore in Harry potter-"ofcourse its happenin inside your y on earth shud dat mean its not real??".yeah y cant it b real???i shud ask is evrythin around us real?only bcoz dey seem real doesnt mean dat dey r really real..I always wonder whethr d passed moments wer real, they really happend or its jst som creation of my crackd brain!!..whethr dey r happenin inside my head..??who knws..

                                  I nw knw dis is d mst colorful nd vibrant period of my lyf.Bt i knw not whethr aftr somtym i'll ask myself that such thins really happend once..Life is always lyk dat..The thins around us-dis marvellous canvas of natural splendour ,this wonderfully craftd planet of ours-is dis all real??..I remembr d words of Arun sir (who tuk a class in d last ieee evnt)..he quoted-"I saw a dream..nd der a butterfly ws suckin nectar frm a beautiful fower..suddenly i ws sad wonderin g whethr i'm also  part of somone's dream..!!"..Isnt it a point to b thot of..?Hw can v b sure dat all these thins r jst som dream wich can end abruptly at nytym ,nywer??that made me think whethr thin s r really real..nd whethr dreams r real...comin 2 dat point i can say some dream of ours really happens aftr hw many of us 'll bliv dat?.if it ws somrtym b4 i agree i'd hav opposd nw i cant do dat since i myself hav xperiencd dat i hav no choice othr dan blivin of my dreams has really happend as such aftr somtym..Its hard to bliv though.It ws a real wonder wich made me admire J.K.Rowling's words dat i quoted first.I nw knw dreams r really strange..hav heard somwer dat Dreams r 2day's answrs 2 2mrw's questns.may b its true,not always though..Dreamsr boundlsee nd it jst shws d immense potential lyin inside us..

                                 I think i'm really confusd btw dreams nd reality..nd one thin i knw -dat mst of d tyms i'm in d world of dreams..nd i wrote somthin here -some crazy thots of mine-wich bounced off suddenly on a tuesday evng + my discussn wid my frnd wich tuk my 100 or more free sms..actly she ws d one who triggerd off my thots..d thins said here hav no proof its jst my feelins..wich need no proof at all and can change wid persons.i mentiond dis bcoz i dont wanna draw dis 2 ny controversy as its a commmon thin nw.and wen askd-wich is real and wich is answr is simply -"no comments"...i knw only dis-
  If dis wonderful world wid me nd othrs is nothin bt a beautiful dream..I wish this dream 'd continue 4 ever...