Friday, May 22, 2009

Off D Launching pad...........

"Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the pad"
This is a quote which attractd me while I was turning through pages of a book.When writin abt belief what came 2 mind was d concept of"God".I don knw how many among us bliv in such a power.I hav heard one of my frnz sayin 'I bliv in science than in god'.Me and my dad had had long drawn discussions and even debates on this.'D more we BLiv in Science, less 'll b our blif in god' this is d common concept.Ofcourse 2 those who hav no faith in god ,they hav no reasons 2 bliv in such a power since der is no proof 4 d existence of such a power.There r so many things around us which remains unanswerd.most of us r blivin der r still mysteries due 2 d presence of god.
'Mt Kailas' is blivd 2 b d abode of lord shiva
accordin 2 hindu mythology.On a discussn on this topic one askd me why we r not able 2 go der wid all d modern facilities of d 21st century.Actually I was askin d same questn myself 4 long.I thought of different ways of goin der.But I don knw y noone has ever attempted to reach der.No more Tensin norgay here???!!!

Anyway I don think we can totally neglect such a power since der r still mysteries around us.We hav 2 bliv until we find all d keys 2 open d mysteries.At d same tym v must work 4 d improvement of science & technologies.Somtimes this blif can act as a flame of light wich can led us further ahead.
Anyway d best 4 all of us is 2 Bliv in wat v Bliv.Like Renedicartes alwayzz say



  1. hmm..Cannot help. The comment is awfully big. But it can hardly sum up what i want to say.That question abt god and science was nvr answered in full,was it? none can wipe off the power of the Almighty in full, people say. Because v r constantly in need of someone to approach, to blame, to ask favours and to give hope and guidance. A resolve when one becomes unsure and desperate. I think it is d 'need' tat drives. But i wud also say its all different in each of us. Even secularism is belief, as Gandhiji once said. We all believe in something and are strengthened by it. Science, God, d goodness of mind, our dedication to our ventures etc. It is all varied. Yet it talks of some power. Energy. And some believe tat science and religion(God) are not altogether divergent. When I am awed by science, I am awed by a force. When science tries to explain everythin as u said v thirst for mystery! And some talk abt Mt.Kailas and secretly hope ther are no Tensing anymore!

  2. yeah wat u said is absolutely right ,a wall to lean on evrtym .its differnt in all of us or it must b so.So we can bliv in wat we think is right or comfortable 4 us.We must work to find d complete answer to this question.
