Sunday, March 28, 2010


It's a long tym after I'm writin now. 2day I think I hav returned to my old gud state.May b bcoz my x'amz r all over and I'm a bit relaxd, waitn 4 d next phase 2 start wich is 2 b at d earliest.
I am realisin nowadayz the pace with which Dayzz and months r passin.Tym is flyin....alwayzz...waiting 4 none.I had always been thinkin abt that earlier, dat y its not caring anyone??I mostly realise dat truth d day b4 my x'amz!!And I am very glad 2 say even now its lyk dat.Evry bit of life is changin alwayzz.The world is becoming more and more fast and me alwayzz at the same pace as b4!!!Its not a Frustration or Repenting, but I'm realisin myself more and more every moment.I think its lyk dat .The More we realise our negatives the more we r realisin ourselves.Some change with dat realisation ,some tries to change and very few even do not think abt dat.I think I come to the second type.I alwayzz long 4 changin myself wen my x'am results come!!!nywayzz I'm not goin to talk more abt dat.yeah I was intendin 2 talk abt Changes .I think I should come 2 dat.Gone somewer else.

I sometyms- wen left alone with my own stupid thoughts -think abt our Country -India.How pathetic sometyms d condition is...Nowadayzz I could watch some of d drawbacks of Democracy or I should say d misuse of dat Ideology.Democracy and Secularism was d basement of Indian I feel d basement has been weakend.I dont knw wat d political fellows r doin.I think most of us r blindly followin wat v were followin,not thinkin abt der principles.I hav heard 1 of my friends sayin (wen 1 askd her y she's followin a particular political system)"my father follows dat system and so am i.wats d logic bhind dis.I couldn't find anythin and I dont knw y v r alwayzz thinkin lyk this!!I'm not sayin mot of us r lyk dat.But a Few lyk dis will b more dan enough 2 spoil our society.We have to realize dat 2days common lyf principle is not social service but only "Self Service".I hav heard our Principal sayin -"Try 2 do 1 gud deed a day and these will adds up to d greatest asset in our life".And dats y I said a change is needed.A change in our Thoughts &Perspective,A change in d social setup and in d whole Country.The Change is needed sice v hav changed.If all of us had remaind as v were once der 'll not b such a need.I should say that If everyone of us r able to remain d same alwayzz in our thoughts-(as v were once wen v were children -4 childhood is d most innocent phase of humanlife)-Noone could ever defeat us or influence us with -ve thoughts.

We Have 2 Realise Dat D Buds-THE TENDER BUDS-4 All these lies in our mind.Water it ,Xpose it 2 Light and Let it Grow.Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

1 comment:

  1. so true yaar... and a beautiful quote..glad 2 c u write again
